Tuesday, October 28, 2008

procrastination...no sleep...

its ten to 2 in the morning. i should be asleep. i have to go be at work at nine tomorrow! agh. but im not sleepy, so im on computer, so i should be doing work at least, like my assignment about the review of the productivity commission's report on unfair terms in contracts. sound like fun? yeah no, see why im not doing it.
anyway, bf is up at office finishing stuff, videos, or something.
i have realised i have felt quite irritated towards him lately. now, some of this has been in reason, but a lot...i dont know. im not sure how to explain this, but i came to some sort of realisation today about myself that i didnt really like that much.
i read this article a couple of weeks ago and some of it really stuck with me- actually it has helped me deal with people a lot better.
we are all, essentially selfish. not always in a bad way- simply that we cant NOT be selfish, because our view of the world is our own- whether we try or not, everything does revolve around us because we literally are, the centre of our own world. everything is from out perspective, whether it is seeing, feeling, hearing or thinking. 
while some people do this better than others, mostly, it is about us.
and i have realised, that i am more selfish than i should be, particuarly in relation to bf.
for 1, its always about me. i mean, you know, how this or that impacts on me, i do try and see it from his point of view but usually it comes back to me.
also, (this sounds very umm...corny, but try not to see it that way)- i think he thinks of us as kind of 'a team'. ie, like his stuff is mine, etc, etc. do i think this way? no! mine is mine. and if i happen to do all this stuff for him one week and he doesnt, i feel resentful. but if he is doing it for me? A ok.
not cool of me, i know.
i guess i have to learn to be part of the team. and be more unselfish towards him. 
its just hard when u are the centre of your own universe haha


Roxie said...

you have a point..

I don't necessarily see selfishness as a bad thing, though, because at the end of the day when all other people are gone, you are left with yourself, so you kind of have to watch out for you first and foremost! Don't feel too guilty about it! :)

20 yr old girl said...

very good point roxie- i think my problem is that i think i take that point a little too far with myself :)
maybe ive read too many blogs and advice columns about making sure you make yourself number one haha.
thanks for commenting btw! i checked out your blog, i like!

Meika said...

I totally agree with you Roxie, and I find in my relationship Im selfish too, hahahaha. But i try not to be really hard but I know what you mean about my stuff is my stuff. I gave you the Bookworm Award!