Sunday, October 12, 2008

end of the weeked

i was having a think and looking over some of the posts i have written, and then at my picture, and my 'about me' picture and i thought damn...anyone who even slightly knows me, would easily guess it was me. the picture is of my home town, and that cartoon has been my fb profile at one time!
i knows its kinda lame but i definitely want to be anonymous. there is no way i want my inner worries, anger, happiness and just randomness being available for people i know to read....especially bf. how could i freely talk about him the way i do here? most of the time we are great, so if i let out some irritation on here just to get it out, its harmless. if he read it, i know he would be very hurt. if i sound like we dont communicate, we do. i just like saying all the stuff that girls get a little crazy irrational and insecure about on here, that i KNOW most of the time guys dont get. 
also- bitching about his ex gf. as much as i dislike the girl, i would not want her to know this. i would hate to think she has ower over me by knowing i am insecure about her. so when i see her i smile and say hello and act perfectly normal, while really i just dont. like. her. 
so ive changed my header. i dont actually live on the great ocean road, but i love the 12 apostles and think it is just such a lovely scene. and that picture i got for my about me....i am definitely not as pretty as the cartoon girl, and i dont often wear red lipstick or a flower in my hair, but hell she has dark hair- thats good enough for me. maybe she'll inspire me to wear more flowers and red lipstick, you never know.
in other news- all moved out, unpacking going well- of course bf got a bit overexcited though and bought a HUGE tv with money neither of us really have, but i couldnt stop him. we are trying to make it look quite nice even despite the ummm how do i say 'dated' decor. the more i change though the better it looks.
now if only i could rid of this damn flu/cold/ fever i have! go away go away go away


Meika said...

My sister tried to find my blog so I had to set up a fake one to get her off the trail, so I understand completely! Oh yeah, i tagged you on my page!

Anonymous said...

I kind of wish I'd never shown even my first name on the blog. It kind of got to the point where it was inescapable that I should put that I live in St. Louis because once in awhile I'd mention things going on around here. Still. I can't take it back.

At least my family respects that I don't even want them LOOKING for it. They don't even know the name. Whew.