Thursday, July 17, 2008

confrontation and the like

Over the last month I have come to a realisation that I didn’t know was me- I don’t like fighting. Well no, wait, I knew that- but I just don’t even like confrontation, one bit. I feel funny and while I will speak about something if I am upset, I wait for ages and ages out of fear and build it up in my mind. I have on occasion practiced things, even perhaps minor, to say to the bf, because I imagine what he will say, then I, then it gets worse and worse.
I usually tend to just go quiet, withdraw, and dwell on it by myself.
It works out that we rarely, if ever, fight. Oh there are little snitches, but he doesn’t fight either or like confrontation at all- hence, it just doesn’t happen. He is pretty laidback about all things relationship- doesn’t feel the need to discuss it, as he usually thinks its fine, and im not a big relationship talker either (where are we going, etc etc..yuk). I wonder though, if this is a bad thing? Does it mean that we arenot deep enough with each other? That our relationship is too shallow?
Or does it mean we are just suited because neither of us really wants to tlak about it?
Hmmm, I don’t know. I know communication is important and all, and we DO talk, its just usually most things are fine so there is no need for these big deep and meaningfuls. Are we not open with eachother, or just not the confrontational types?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


another thing..i just got a message from my mum and dad that said
'we are so proud of your achievements and the way you care about others. love mum and dad'
isnt that sweet?
compliment day is in full swing
im going to change the colour of my layout. i know im the only one who looks at this right now...but maybe in the far away future some other person will look at it. and the posts ive been writing lately, all a bit dark and depressive. that coupled with a black background, is just plain sad.
i guess it only really feel the need to write when i feel upset or uneasy about something. when im happy i dont need to. but maybe i should try to. i dont want to look back at this i think god, how much was fun i?
well one thing that made me happy today (and most days) having genki roll sushi today, i never get sick of it. mmmm their mayonnaise and prawn. i would take it over some 3 course dinner any day. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

something else that makes me happy today...seeing my baby little neice, only 2 months old. tonight. so cute.
something else- getting drunk tonight with my friend s and dance dance dance the night away.

Monday, July 14, 2008

good things

Yesterday was a bad day
Today is a little…or a lot better.
Still not sure about bf thing- moving in is questioning, cos he lost one of his jobs…very disappointing, etc etc. also annoyed about the messaging with the other girl. But hoping (in denial?) that it was innocent. She still bloody annoys me tho. Agh.

But GOOD today
Got my uni results back
- I am so proud of myself
- I overloaded (just a little) and came out good
- I worked really really hard I think
- I got something to show for it
- I proved that I can do this law degree, and now I feel a whole lot better about completing the rest of it
- I did better than two friends, each which helped me, but I never felt like I would do better (not a competitive thing, more just feeling that I am up to their standard, something I have been insecure about all semester)
- First time I have got such great marks
- Bring on next semester!

- while I didn’t want to at first because I was so disappointed about not going with the bf, I have changed my mind, and am going to go away with cf (crazy friend) on road trip/holiday, for a short time.
- Will have fun and need a break

Now…if only bf was alllll sorted..hmmm

Sunday, July 13, 2008

baddd karma

Do mens hearts break like womens?
I don’t think they do.
The feeling of breaking up..for a like nothing else. Its emptiness, but it is worse than emptiness, despair almost.
Not having a break up, just thinking about them.
I think cos it is worse for women, they are far less willing to break up with a guy unless they have too- too willing to settle, cos they don’t know what else is out there.

Everything is going wrong today. I have done some bad karma I am thinking. Maybe I should work out what?
I always think bad things happen to other people but not me, everything is supposed to be right for me. You have to realise that it wont always go right for you, and you just have to deal.
But see, you think when you say this (when everything is fine) that something like that will help you and it really wont be that bad.
And then it is bad, and annoying, and you want to crawl into a hole.
And there are so many worse things happening to other people. And your complaining about your own stupid problem.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

i need more income. hmmm