Monday, July 14, 2008

good things

Yesterday was a bad day
Today is a little…or a lot better.
Still not sure about bf thing- moving in is questioning, cos he lost one of his jobs…very disappointing, etc etc. also annoyed about the messaging with the other girl. But hoping (in denial?) that it was innocent. She still bloody annoys me tho. Agh.

But GOOD today
Got my uni results back
- I am so proud of myself
- I overloaded (just a little) and came out good
- I worked really really hard I think
- I got something to show for it
- I proved that I can do this law degree, and now I feel a whole lot better about completing the rest of it
- I did better than two friends, each which helped me, but I never felt like I would do better (not a competitive thing, more just feeling that I am up to their standard, something I have been insecure about all semester)
- First time I have got such great marks
- Bring on next semester!

- while I didn’t want to at first because I was so disappointed about not going with the bf, I have changed my mind, and am going to go away with cf (crazy friend) on road trip/holiday, for a short time.
- Will have fun and need a break

Now…if only bf was alllll sorted..hmmm

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