Thursday, November 13, 2008

so close i can almost taste it..

so I've basically been a hermit for the last month or so while trying to finish assignments and study for exams.
my last one is tomorrow, but its a doozy :(. property law.....
its seriously made me consider getting rid of rights posessions and in some utopian society where nobody does anything bad and everyone lives together...haha, then at least it would make my degree a lot easier!
i guess i would have one at all...
anyway regardless...i can WAIT till this time tomorrow- i will have a glass (or two) wine in my hand, out on the town! (what town..haha)
and im FREE for a summer! no assignments, studying, opening any law or history book...i cant wait.
that is all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for some reason, i loved property just tickled my fancy...