Tuesday, May 27, 2008

first post

my first post. well, really my second, by i had another blog and i could remember the user name...or password (smart). im not really expecting anyone to read this, but i want somewhere to put my thoughts as they come to me. where better than the internet, haha. but really, i dont want them in some dusty word document hidden away. just thoughts....
and first, something i think about a lot, put into a list.
i am always freaking about getting the most of life, and wanting to make something of it so i dont look back and see it as a waste. i wonder whether i make te righ decisions that will lead to the best things, and then i have seen this around lately that describes me perfectly- a bucket list. a list of things to do before i die. perfect! then once i fulfil them, i can rest easy and relax, or otherwise strive on to the next thing to cross off my bucket list. there are things big and small, but all of them are important. some i want to do more than once. here it is, ill probably add to it.

1. go walking through a rainforest,they always look so beautiful
2. related to above, go swimming in a waterfall pond. strangely, whenever i am really hungover, i think of diving into a icy cold, calm but alive waterfall pool. it always helps me and i would love to do it for real
3. go on a trek, see the ruins of lost civilisations in peru. perhaps this is just because i saw indiana jones the other day, but the word peru has always drawn me
4. go to ireland, or scotland. in fact there are many places i want to go. south america, america (niagra falls!!!), las vegas, new york, then south africa, the wide open spaces and heat just...yes..., vietnam, new zealand to go sky diving and bungee jumping and freaky things..., many more places but all in time
5. go on a road trip down the great ocean road. go on a road trip anywhere really
6. go to the snow many more times
7. go to the zoo, monarto and the normal one
8. go the elephant walk
9. finish my law degree
10. get married i think (but only for good, not just to get married. divorce is nOT on the bucket list
11. have children. gosh i love babies, i can hardly wait, although definitely not now.
12. write some more poems. good ones, meaningful ones
13. go ice skating
14. have a picnic
15. go camping, somewhere in SA, so many lovely places, ive always loved camping
16. get a massage
17. make a dinner with entree main course and dessert
18. go on a wine tour (happening next weekend!)
19. give blood
20. volunteer
21. stay in a nice hotel in my own home town

thats it for now. i HAVE to go do some work.

but next post. relationships...confusing.

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