ever since we have been together, there has been a longggg history of her being a weirdo and not being able to get over it, but honestly, so much has happened i cant even be bothered to go in it, it all sounds crazy.
while i didnt doubt his love for me due to her, she has managed to say things to me that made me feel soooo insecure about them...ie. going on about how they were first love (they went out for about 3 years) and just contacting him in ways that were in appropriate (i thought)
we have had ups and downs but are apparently fine now.
but one thing- at one point he deleted her off fb at one point for a reason, but now they are on reasonably good terms again (albeit he doesnt really have a wish to have contact with her).
however, now they are back on good terms- she has tried to add him about 4 TIMES!
why does she want to be friends with him sooooo badly?
she also used to put as her status updates things i knew related to him....like '... is thinking of him, how hes gone..' and '... remembers this day all too well' (a year ago on that day they broke up) jeeez give me a break.
i mean we have been together almost 18 months now. we are moving in together. GET OVER IT. why do people feel the need so badly to be friends with their ex's? not necessarily get them back (i pretty sure she doesnt want this) but just to have contact- i get that they spent a long time together and obviously it impacted on both of them.
but if he has made it clear in the past that while being polite and friendly, he has no interest in some great friendship- WHY DOES SHE PERSIST LIKE THIS?
does she need contact with her ex that bad? or am i being not so understanding? she makes me very very uncomfortable.
anyway she has added him again (for about the 5th time) i guess this time he will add her on....
well i cant do much about it.
but it still bloody annoys me!
i happened to be there when he checked it and he said 'i dont want to be friends with her?'
HA. i still dont understand her though. i almost feel a little sorry for her?
eesshhh, she sounds like a real creeper.
I've never understood those kinds of girls... LET IT GO!!! For real. She needs to take a hike.
To say you took the words right outta my mouth will be an understatement. I am in the same situation except that I am in an LDR, It sucks cuz she's such a bugger!I really dont what to do...*sigh*
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