is it all girls like this or just the emotional ones like me?
where i begin to tell my boyfriend about a problem i have or something im upset about, i well up before i even begin and all the rational, make sense things fly out of my head as i try to be rational with tears streaming down my face and a wobble in my voice. i end up with him frustrated at my crying (again!) and me even more frustrated because whatever i wanted to say was lost and not taken seriously.
i find myself writing letters or emails to get my point across, which is not always good as things can look very different on paper than said in real life. case in point- was just about to send my bf an email to explain i feel hurt when he doesnt take things i think are important, seriously at all. ie. going on holidays. surely it is reasonable to want to go away from time to time? he told me he doesnt want to, and to 'get over it'. im now thinking email is not the answer, likely it will be misinterpreted as having a go. can i say it tonight without crying...making a big deal...
agh, is there ever such a thing as the perfect argument (reason, way of explaining something so it makes sense) if there is, i would sure like to know what it is.
however, bfs revelation holidays are not his thing, at least, while disappointing and saddening me immensly that he refuses to do this with me, led me to new revelations myself. i have to make my own fun! i cant rely on him for it. as much as it pisses me off, i have to make my own holidays, good times. is it enough though? i think one of the most important parts of relationships is experiencing things together. if he wont do that with me... theres a problem.
this is making me feel worse, not better.
signing off
1 year ago